Hey guys!
I have P-day today so yea! I know it came early and I probably won't get an email from you but that's ok! We had a really good week this week and transfers announcements are tomorrow but I already know that Elder Christie and I are both staying because we came to the same internet cafe as the zone leaders and we just looked at the email that said who was transferring and who wasn't. haha! Elder Black is leaving so we will have a new zone leader. And I think that most of the zone is actually staying again. Haha. I love Puerto zone. It is so good to be here! Well last week was really good. STA Monica branch has really turned around a lot.
Last week we did a bit of finding and found a few new really cool investigators. We are still really working with our rogressing investigators. We had 7 people at sacrament and we ended the week with 8 people with baptismal dates! So the work is going great!
Last Tuesday we went to Irawan and we visited Tatay Carleto and he is doing great. It was his birthday and he turned 74! We got to see him dance and it was really funny and cool, he has definitely been one of my favorite investigators and he seems to really like us and always wants to be taught. He came to church last week with his wife and as of right now he is going to be baptized on December 10th. We are going to be following that up a lot this week. We are really excited for him though. We also taught Yolly that day and we taught the Word of Wisdom and she really committed to learn the word of wisdom. We taught Marisa that day and she understood really well the message of the restoration which, of course, is really important! So we are really happy for her and we also committed her to baptism, so we have a plan to give her a date this week. We are really excited for her though.
On Wednesday we taught Mary Ann Hernandez. She is doing ok, but can't come to church because her kids are really sick. Which is too bad. We also taught Jennibee that night about the message of the restoration. It is a bit hard to teach her because she isn't the best in Tagalog. She has a hard time understanding and speaking. She only really knows how to speak Visaya.. But from what we taught she seemed to understand. She is actually the helper of Jennifer so we planned to teach Jennifer but she wasn't there, so we taught Jennibee! Haha
Thursday we did a bit of finding and it went really well. We found a couple who seems interested. We also taught Nelson and told him that he needs to go to church. He still hasn't come but still wants to be baptized. We are thinking of dropping him. He says that it is work that is keeping him from coming but he always promises that he will come. I gave a different commitment that lesson and he said, "yes" and I really thought that he would come, but he didn't. Brother Boy Perez. We committed Boy to baptism on December 24th and he came to church that week! We are really excited! He lives in the Perez home and he was one of the people that wanted to debate but he has really changed now and believes that Book of Mormon is true and is reading from it everyday. He is really changed a lot from the 1st time we met him.
Friday we taught some new people and Angel. Angel is doing ok. She can't come to church though, so it is a bit hard for her to progress. We also met President Maico's daughter's fiance who is from America! He's from Utah. He and President Maico's daughter met on the internet and he came down for the 2nd time to visit her. He is a nice guy.
Saturday was also a great day! We taught a lot of lessons and committed Boy to live the Word of Wisdom.
Sunday was also great! We got to see a lot of our investigators come to church. Sorry I really don't have a lot of time left to write the email. I have about 10 mins left so I figure we can just chat haha. I love you guys so much! And I hope you have an amazing week. Sorry my email is scattered I'm doing really great and I'm looking forward to another transfer in STA Monica!
Love you guys!
Elder Chris Gagnon
P.S. We were on the computer when Chris was sending his email, so we actually chatted back and forth by email while he was sending this email. Here are some highlights...
Chris: Hey guys! I'm here early! haha! It's our Pday today! yay! Guess what? I'm staying another transfer with Elder Christie. I'm going to be the 2nd oldest on this Island. Haha.
Mom: Are you ok with that? I know you wanted to go back to the mainland, but it's nice you'll be there for everyone's baptisms and for Christmas...
Chris: It has its ups and downs haha. I'm going to be happy either way. :)
How is everyone there? Is everyone still awake?
Mom: Andrew just went to bed, but I can get him up if you want to talk to him...everyone else is still up
Chris: That's awesome! I wouldn't wake him up. I'm going to be sending a package home today so yea! I hope it gets there in time. Our area is going really well. I'm sending my weekly letter home now haha.
Mom: What time is it there? It's 10:00 p.m. here...
Chris: It's 11:00 a.m. here. How are the missionaries in LaSalle? How is the missionary work going there?
Mom: Our missionaries are great! Elder McLean (Australia) and Elder Blank (California) are great fun! Elder McLean reminds me so much of you and we have so much fun together! The missionary work here is good. Right now they're having two baptisms next week...A woman Lisa who's from Chateauguay (another long story I'll tell you about at Christmas) and another woman that Andrew's been visiting with the missionaries from LaSalle....I think they've both had their interviews and the baptism is next Saturday....it's moving along...Anton, Cody and Andrew all go out with them regularly. Also, Cody quit cegep and is working to save money to prepare for his mission now...
Chris: That's amazing that Cody is preparing to serve! I'm really excited for him. It really is the best thing in the world! What about Derek and Justin? Has Justin started to save or started to put in his papers? Couldn't he just apply for this summer? I would really recommend him coming out this summer, maybe he will get assigned in Manila mission and I will train him! :P haha!
Mom: Granny wants to know if you had breakfast yet and what you eat for breakfast?
Chris: We actually went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast (one of the only restaurants on Palawan) We're in the citiesh area right now. Elder Christie and I have been pretty American/Canadian and have had bread from a bakery near our house and cereal. But when I was with Elders Glodo and Chiong it would be fried rice, and hotdogs or Adobo or anything really haha. I miss Glodo a lot...Anyways I guess that's about it for now. If you don't have any questions or anything just say goodbye and I guess we will just wait till Christmas when I get to call home haha. Anyways I love you guys!